
Note: This service is currently not offered because of VPN obligation!

The function inter-university exam registration enables NAWI Graz students to call up all exam dates of both universities in an online system and to register or deregister directly there.

Guide to set-up the inter-university exam registration

1. Log into one of the two systems (online.uni-graz.at oder online.tugraz.at) and go to personal settings. The examples shows how to do so in TUGRAZonline.

Login TUGRAZonline.png

2. Chose the system you like to couple with (given the example, it is UNIGRAZonline)

6 Prüfungsanmeldung koppeln.png

3. Now enter your UNIGRAZonline credentials

Afterwards all exam dates of UNIGRAZonline are visible in TUGRAZonline in the application "exam dates" and you register/deregister directly!

Note: The coupling is unidirectional. In order for the function to exist in both systems, it must also be set up once in UNIGRAZonline.

Prüfungskopplung Anmeldung im Partnersystem.png

4. You can decouple the systems by chosing so in your persona settings (see step 1 above)

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